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Attuning to the Wellspring of Ritual: A Free Online Gathering Introducing Earthkeeper Wisdom School’s A Year in Ceremony

Dear Beloved Kin,

How are you creating or longing to create soul-nourishing spaces for your community?
When in your life have you experienced a ritual of great potency and meaning?

We warmly invite you to come celebrate the re-launching of Earthkeeper Wisdom School’s A Year in Ceremony during this free online gathering: Attuning to the Wellspring of Ritual

During this launch celebration, we will be learning The 4 steps of Ritual Alchemy - and practicing these steps as we attune to the wellspring of ritual in service to our soul stirrings. We will also be sharing with you our emerging vision for the re-launching of A Year in Ceremony, the culmination of several years of our shared dreaming.

We dearly hope you can join us! We are eager to meet and deepen with those who resonate with our dream of Earth-reverent, soul-nourishing ceremonial community.

Note: This gathering will be recorded for those who are interested but cannot join live.

With hearts of devotion,
Lyndsey and Carolyn

Your facilitators

🧡 Carolyn Griffeth (she/her, white cis-woman) serves widely as spiritual director, soul guide, dream worker, and intuitive ceremonialist. She is the founder of Earthkeeper Wisdom School, a ceremonial school where emergent ceremonial forms are caught and co-created in service to our times. She also serves as a spiritual minister within Spirit Rising, an all-inclusive, womanist spiritual community. She can be reached at

🧡 Lyndsey Scott (she/her) is a cis-white womxn artist + songleader, born raised and residing in central IL, devoted to priestesSing the Heartland, (literal and figurative). She weaves community singing to empower earth-based spiritual consciousness, and gathers soul circles that, through Song and sacred listening, decompose oppressive scripts that get in the way of freely living the Love we are. With jams that get you skipping easily between the sacred, sexy, and sssssilly : your inner child, exiled banshee, and wise elder are all very invited to the circle! Listen to her new album Well Held for twelve luscious singalong earworms to nourish your journey.

May 17

Rewilding Feminine Soul: A Weekend Gathering to Recover our Wholeness

July 3

Songs for Ceremony: A Free Online Gathering