Discerning Financial Contribution
for A Year in Ceremony

As a reflection of our value of welcoming the full diversity of the human community, we employ a solidarity economy model. The term "solidarity economy" was formulated in Lima, Peru in 1997 in the context of movements for economic justice. Solidarity economies seek to dissolve barriers to participation and enhance cooperation and bondedness within communities.

A Year in Ceremony offers three tiers for tuition payment to lessen barriers to participation and encourage a diverse cohort.

  • Tier 1: Community Supported // $3,700 (5 spots)

  • Tier 2: Community Sustaining // $4,500 (12 spots)

  • Tier 3: Community Supporting // $5,600 (4+ spots)

We count on the generosity of those offering the Community Supporting tier to buffer the cost of those unable to pay the full price. Additionally, we invite those choosing the Community Supported tier to contribute in other ways when possible, such as after gathering clean-up.

This graphic can help aid your discernment. Take a look and ask yourself, "What is my most authentic contribution?"

This image and framework was originally created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk | www.wortsandcunning.com with additions from Britt Hawthorne | www.embracingequity.org. We found this graphic via the Radical History Club, follow the link for more good thinking about why sliding scale.